Paintings in Your House as an Integral Part of the Decor

Paintings in Your House as an Integral Part of the Decor

Most people do not consider art a primary part of their interior design. They prioritize things like furniture and lighting while paintings are relegated to secondary if at all considered. However, you can get the upholstery and electronics right, but if your walls are left bare, your decor is far from complete. When carefully selected from the beginning of interior planning, paintings blend with the other decorative pieces to create a beautiful aesthetic harmony. However, when they are only included as an afterthought, they stuck out like a sore thumb, slapping on a lump of clay to cover cracks instead of molding everything together perfectly from the start.

Some people have discovered this fact and even art the core of their home design, decorating the rest of their interior around their chosen artworks. It may be absurd to some, but why not set the tone of your decor by arranging your paintings first and then continuing from there? Indeed art is a crucial player when designing your interior, and in this article, we look at just how important it is.

It Creates A Color Palette

Color Palette

As a starting point, paintings dictate the color palette your design should follow. In order not to have clashing decorative elements, synergy demands that their colors are compatible. Therefore, when you begin by selecting the paintings you want to incorporate into your home design, you continue fleshing out the rest of the space by following that color pattern.

This is particularly useful when you find it hard to choose a palette. Who can blame you for all the options to choose from? Just switch focus to paintings if you cannot decide on a color. If you can choose the paintings you love, let them choose your palette for you.

Some tips include selecting the dominant color in the painting(s) and using that as inspiration to get your next decor piece. Then, when you’re done with the painting’s dominant color, focus on other shades. These could also provide brilliant shades and accents for the rest of the room.

It Completes the Decor


A bare wall might be a breath of fresh air in a room that is suffocated by too many decorative elements. However, too many bare walls may leave the room scanty, as if the decoration process had been halted halfway. Such rooms do not give praiseworthy impressions of their dwellers. While they may be excused for a college student’s apartment, they are unacceptable in a mature environment.

Nothing else can be used to adorn bare walls outside paintings, so why not transform your space with a few artistic masterpieces. They could be paint my life portraits, painting replicas, or even original paintings. Whatever your taste, you can always find artwork that appeals to you and covers your wall.

Speaking of tastes, most people who love leaving their walls bare are minimalists. Although minimalism is the art of sparsely furnishing your space, it is tastefully done and not lazy neglect. That said, there are gorgeous minimalist abstracts that will subtly transform a room from bare to breathtaking.

It Sets the Tone


I’m art, and the tone refers to the ambiance a painting creates. It is also known as the vibe or energy in colloquial terms. Art is a potent means of inciting emotions, whether soothing and tranquil like a romantic sunset painting or busy and energetic like a chaotic abstract. Before using your paintings, you can easily set the tone in your space.

The tone of a room is also integral to the true purpose of that room. For example, you would prefer a calming tone for your bedroom so it can help you rest. Perhaps a more vibrant style for a workspace. Also, as regards setting the tone, your paintings may dictate the kind of overall aesthetic you use. For instance, a preference for seascapes or beach art may inspire a nautical decor style, while antiques may encourage a gothic interior.

Once you’re sure about the purpose of a room, then get paintings that support it and watch how easy it is to continue from there with the rest of the decor. It is also essential that tone shouldn’t be all about aesthetics alone. It would be best if you also considered the things you enjoy. For example, if warmer shades of color make you uneasy, don’t go for them just because they’re said to create cheerful vibes. Choose something that makes you comfortable in your own space.

It Becomes the Focal Point

Focal points in decor are statement pieces that immediately call for attention when you walk into a room. Keep the famous saying “too many cooks spoil the broth” in mind when it comes to these. As much as there need to be elements that captivate attention, there should not be too many focal points in the interior decor.

Wall art is typically a great focal point in interior decor, and there are several ways of achieving this with your paintings. You can either go solo with a single massive painting or create a gallery wall making a collage of several paintings. Additionally, you can choose a whole wall to create a splendid mural on.

Size is significant when deciding on your focal point. A painting that is too small may get overwhelmed by the other elements that it becomes barely noticeable, and an overly large painting may be too loud as if desperately begging for attention instead of earning it.


Some decorative elements in interior design add extra appeal to your aesthetic, and paintings are one of them. Also, there is always an art piece to match whatever style you’re going for. It doesn’t matter the type you are trying to create in your space; you will always find a painting to complement or facilitate it.

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