How Creative Writing Can Be Beneficial for Children

How Creative Writing Can Be Beneficial for Children

Nowadays, because of rigorous new standard testing rules and the lack of time to dedicate to this subject, creative writing has fallen to the wayside in schools around the world.

Because of the exclusion of creative writing as a subject from schools, children are missing out on the various advantages it has both mentally and physically. So in this digital era of smartphones do children need to inculcate the craft of writing? The answer is yes!

Here are some reasons why creative writing is an essential subject for children.

#1. Increases their reading ability 

Writing and reading usually go hand in hand but that does not mean we are always good at both. However, studies show that writing can dramatically improve children’s reading ability. Experts say that when children show interest in writing at an early age, they are more likely to enjoy reading automatically.

#2. Helps them express themselves 

Children often face difficulty in expressing their inner thoughts and feelings. Through writing, children might develop the habit of expressing themselves and learning how to write to communicate with the world in a meaningful manner.

#3. Enhances critical thinking 

A writer always has a clear sense of thoughts before putting their words down on paper. This means creative writing will help children organize their thoughts and process them before writing them down which will eventually enhance their problem solving and critical thinking skills.

#4. Helps improve creativity and imagination 

Children have incredible imaginations. It does not take them long to build up stories. When we introduce them to creative writing, we are giving them an outlet for that creativity. This means the stories that they conceived in their minds can be put on paper, which eventually increases their imagination to another level.

#5. Boosts their self-confidence 

Writing gives children golden opportunities to assert themselves and their opinions. It helps them develop their own ‘voice’. This would ultimately help them gain self-confidence which helps them a lot in the long run.

Learn writing online with Ruskin Bond 

Did you like the above post and want to learn to write online in a more detailed way? Head to unluclass for an exclusive online writing course by the legendary Ruskin Bond.

He has given us incredible novels of all time that need no introduction. In his unluclass, he shared his experience, journey, and tips to help you become a better writer.

So what are waiting for? Subscribe to Ruskin Bond’s unluclass now!

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