Everything You Need to Know to Grow Your Business on Social Platforms

Everything You Need to Know to Grow Your Business on Social Platforms

Small businesses often operate on limited funds and staffing. In such organizations, the key stakeholders look into multiple facets of the business and are often overburdened with work. With countless deliverables to meet, strategizing the business growth seems like a Herculean task.

With proper planning, it is plausible to get your brand noticed in the highly competitive digital space. Whether your company provides legal services like Fair Credit, or debt collection services like Aargon agency, creating a reputable online presence has become non-negotiable for any company that intends on remaining relevant and competitive in its respective economic environment. For example, in recent years, social media is gaining rapid popularity. A good fraction of social media users is enthusiastic about interacting with brands that they follow.

Small businesses that leverage social marketing stands an excellent opportunity to speak to a receptive audience. With strategic planning, small businesses can successfully leverage social media for lead generation purposes. Giving value-adding branded content is an excellent way of nurturing loyalty. 

To make the most of social media, you need to understand that every social media platform is unique. While cross-promoting your content is commonplace, you need to tailor the videos to meet the needs of the platform. Here’s how you can prepare your promotional content for the different social media platforms.


Facebook is a pioneer in the social media scene. With a billion daily active users, its popularity remains unparalleled. Facebook also offers several paid ad placements that you can use to build target audiences around people who engage with your organic posts.

When a Facebook user likes your brand page, they are likely to look forward to information about your upcoming launches. Videos are the most preferred form of Facebook content. Ideally, you should post different types of video content and evaluate the one that resonates the best with your audience.

While Facebook provides several opportunities to connect with your target group, you must avoid the temptation of over-posting. Ideally, you should avoid posting more than twice a day as that would amount to spamming your viewer’s feed. Try to be consistent in your video posting and ensure that you offer fresh content to your viewers at least once a week.

To make the most of Facebook, your brand post must provide value to the viewer. Opting for a casual approach increases your chances of being heard. Also, pay special attention to ensure that all your Facebook content is relevant to your business.


LinkedIn is a professional social platform that has over 250 million active users. More than 94% of B2B businesses use LinkedIn for their social marketing. LinkedIn users are keen on getting business insights about a brand they follow. Brand information, financial data, acquisitions, and merger confirmations get the best engagement on LinkedIn. You can share such information as images, infographics, or video content.

A look at the performance of the top LinkedIn brands reveals that they post once a week. Such brands report two times the higher engagement on all their posts. The beauty of LinkedIn is the fact that your employees become the brand advocates. That way, you can leverage their connection to proliferate your promotional content without oversharing.

Unlike other social media platforms, LinkedIn requires you to maintain a formal and helpful approach. When your content acts as a learning resource for your target group, they start seeing your brand as a figure of authority in the industrial genre. This improves your conversion rates and leads to higher sales for your small business.


Launched in 2016, TikTok is a relatively new social media platform. It has more than a billion active users and is one of the fastest-growing marketing platforms. This platform is ideal for tech, lifestyle, and fashion brands that cater to a younger audience. For the best result, make sure you post content at least a few times every week.

A look at the TikTok brand marketing report reveals that 90% of the video posts have some form of product placement. In the initial days of your TikTok marketing journey, you can collaborate with popular influencers in your industry genre. This will give your brand the necessary visibility, and you can expect a boost to your follower numbers.

Once you have a basic presence, you can create hashtag challenges. You can ask your followers to create video content around a theme and post it with the given hashtag. As the hashtag gets viral, you can expect decent visibility.


While marketing on Twitter is an unconventional approach, it is known to help small businesses boost their reach. Twitter has more than 320 million monthly active users, and 500 million tweets are posted every day. The increase in the character limit to 280 gives small businesses greater freedom to express themselves. As a business profile, you can post promotional videos, online contests, funny thoughts, data insights, and a lot more.

Twitter is a crowded space, and 5,787 tweets are posted every minute. To maintain your brand visibility in such a scene,  you need to post multiple times across the day. That way, your followers will notice the tweet and become keen on engaging with you.

Like every other platform, the focus of your Twitter-based marketing should be to provide value to your users. Byte-sized, light content is the preferred tone of viral Twitter posts.


Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms and has a billion people active on it. The platform lets you create short-lived stories, permanent video posts, and a lot more. You can take a call on the nature of your Instagram content after considering your business goals and audience’s demands.

Instagram posts give brands good exposure and help reach potential customers. The use of appropriate hashtags and captions will help you direct the post to the relevant audience. If you are keen on a conversational tone of connecting with your target audience, you can create live videos. These show the humane face of your brand and help strike an emotional chord with the audience.

While leveraging Instagram for marketing your small business, you can also invest in Stories. These are easy-to-create content and require minimal editing effort. As Instagram Stories are available only for a day, these create a buzz. The FOMO associated with Instagram Stories drives high video views.

Instagram rewards consistency, and small businesses need to decide a schedule that works the best for them. To make the most of this platform, focus on the visual expression of your business. Investing in high-quality images and video clips of your products will improve your Instagram appeal and give you a better ROI.

Thus, you see that every platform has its nuances and favors tailored content. You need to identify the preferred social media platform of your target group before planning the content. That way, you will realize the potential of social media and drive your small business success.

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