7 Bits of Advice to Make Your Video Content Relevant

7 Bits of Advice to Make Your Video Content Relevant

Being relevant isn’t just about honoring your brand. It’s actually more importantly about how your audience perceives your content. They want something that’s relevant in terms of topics, issues, needs, or interests. Basically, don’t talk about your product or service but answer your viewers’ questions about the topics and issues on their minds. The trick then is to subtly show the link to your business so that they want to find out more and even buy from you. Once you’ve planned your approach though, it’s easy to use an online video maker to create videos. Why not learn more about the different video templates on offer and see how they could be customized to suit your viewers’ needs?

7 Tips for Working with your Online Video Maker

It’s a bit of an art form to make a first video that’s relevant. That’s because most of us just want to talk about our awesome business when we make videos. So, how do you pause and reframe your content to be taken from your audience’s point of view? Listed below are some of the key elements to help you achieve that:

1- Work out your Audience and their Preferences

Video editing all starts with the audience in mind before you download your video. What are they going to find engaging and informative? You, therefore, need to imagine your ideal viewer although, you’ll probably have 2 or even 4 of them.

For instance, what are their demographics? Where do they like to shop and what do they eat? Are they juggling jobs, children, and hobbies? Alternatively, are they trying to find purpose during retirement? The more you can make these people appear real in your mind then the easier it is to provide content from your online video maker that’s actually going to easily hook them in.

2- Investigate your Competitors

Before you get started with your video maker, it’s a good idea to check out the competition. This will give you ideas about what not to do so that you can be unique with your video template. Naturally, you’ll have your own images that will, by definition, be different. Regardless, sometimes knowing what we’re up against can be inspiring. You’ll also get a sense of what appeals to people and where your potential niche could be if you don’t know it already.

3- Review Social Media Feedback and Trends

Being relevant means staying ahead of trends. Social media is the obvious place to follow what people want to see. Nevertheless, you also have your own social media analytics and feedback comments to give you further insight. If you have a website, then you should also leverage your analytics data to help you refine your online video content. Then, video editing is as easy as you want it to be with the right video maker you choose for your needs.

Video Content

4- Tell a Story

Stories influence and inspire. There are characters with great music tracks playing in the background that we can relate to. Either they make us dream about a better life or they make us laugh at the absurdities of our frustrations. Overall, using stories is the most impactful way to stay relevant when you create videos. That’s because the right combination of graphics, images, and music triggers emotions that make your online video memorable.

5- Make it Personal and Authentic

There’s nothing worse than watching a pushy sales video that looks stilted and awkward. People want to connect with human beings, not brands. The more they can see the real people behind the logo then the more likely they’ll connect with your business at an emotional level. That’s when a video editor becomes very useful. That’s because you can drag and drop your own content, including mood-enhancing music and create the perfect images. Blending colors with contrast and professional-looking transitions are easy to do with your video editor, including adding any music from the extensive free stock on offer.

6- Showcase your Product and Processes

Clearly, you’ll still want to share what you’re actually selling. Another good way to avoid making an online video that’s too pushy though is to get your team involved. Viewers will see the real people making their product. Moreover, you can add some behind-the-scenes filming. That can make everything look very authentic because you have nothing to hide.

7- Create Hype and Generate Curiosity

Another approach is to appeal to the feeling of ‘fear of missing out. Social media has publicized all our lives such that people often want to emulate others or be at the same events. You can use that to your advantage to generate curiosity. For example, use your online video maker to make a video that promotes a future event that cannot be missed. People then tend to share on social media and the next thing you know, you have a whole following just waiting for your event or product.

Final Advice for Creating Relevant Content with your Online Video Maker

The only thing you need to think about when creating relevant content is what your viewers want. Forget yourself and the business and put yourself in their shoes. Be them and imagine what they want to see about how to improve their lives. Then, you’ll know exactly how to work with your video maker such that you’ll be able to customize your video templates perfectly for an awesome online video.

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