7 Easy Tips for Managing Multiple Client Websites

7 Easy Tips for Managing Multiple Client Websites

For a digital marketing agency or a freelance web professional, managing client websites after their launch is an opportunity to increase revenue.

However, it can be pretty hectic with many routine tasks to perform. You have to sign in with many logins, adjust to each client’s brand personality, and keep up with updates and security schedules.

Fortunately, there are ways to simplify the management process. Read this article to find out how to manage multiple client websites effectively and stay on top of daily tasks.

1. Host Websites on a Scalable Hosting Plan

Your clients will wish to see their websites grow. Therefore, pick a web hosting plan that offers free domain names and scalability in the first place, so you don’t have to migrate the sites to a different hosting provider at a later time.

A shared hosting service is usually enough for personal and small websites. However, consider opting for cloud or VPS hosting for large-scale projects because they offer additional storage and advanced features, like dedicated IP addresses and unlimited databases.

2. Update Website Software and Patches

Website software, themes, and plugins generally receive regular updates that add or improve features and fix vulnerabilities.

If you use WordPress, JetPack is a helpful tool to keep plugins up-to-date automatically. Just toggle the Autoupdates button under each plugin, and JetPack will update it as soon as a new version becomes available.

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That said, remember to back up your data before performing updates to prevent losing it during the process.

Many hosting providers offer automatic backups but consider setting up your own in case something happens to the web host’s servers. WordPress users can use plugins like UpdraftPlus and Duplicator to back up website data.

3. Protect Websites with Security Measures

Thirty thousand websites are attacked daily worldwide, with a new attack happening every 39 seconds. That’s why it’s important to implement web security measures on your websites.

Some of the best practices to protect client websites include:

  • Installing an SSL certificate. Encrypt the data transferred between the server and users’ browsers. To activate it, contact the web host.
  • Limiting user access. Reduce the chance of accidental settings changes. On WordPress, you can limit user access by setting specific roles, including administrators, editors, and authors.
  • Installing security plugins. The best WordPress security plugins are Sucuri and JetPack due to their multiple features and simple user interfaces.

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4. Provide Tech Support

Tech support helps clients handle errors and user issues. It’s an excellent way to build and maintain relationships with your customers.

A rule of thumb when it comes to providing tech support is to define the contract terms, including the working hours, what services you offer, and the communication tools to use.

In addition, consider providing webinars or video tutorials to explain the basic process of navigating the website if a client wants to check their site once in a while.

5. Stay Organized

Multiple website management involves many tasks. To stay organized, use a task management tool like Trello or Asana. These tools will help you keep track of assigned tasks, create timelines, and check what you must do in a calendar.

calender view

Each card on the board contains various features for collaboration that allow users to create to-do lists, attach files, and start conversations.

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