How Much does it Cost to Have A Hair Transplant in India?

How Much does it Cost to Have A Hair Transplant in India?

In this article, Dr. G.K Sharma one of the Leading Hair Transplant Surgeons talks about “How much does it cost to have a hair transplant in India?”.

 Dr. G.K. Sharma is one of the few hair transplant doctors in India who specializes in corrective hair transplantation. In addition to this, Dr. G.K. Sharma is an expert in the treatment of skin conditions, concerns related to aesthetics, male infertility, and sexual dysfunction. He is also considered an authority in the field of settling instances that include unsuccessful or improperly performed hair transplant surgery.

In India, the price of a transplant can range anywhere from 20 to 35 rupees (INR) per graft, not including tax. One to three hair follicles are contained within each graft.

Depending on the number of grafts that need to be transplanted, the price of hair transplant surgery in India can range anywhere from Rs. 40,000 ($549) to Rs. 1,00,000 ($1373) in addition to any applicable taxes. The first consultation is included in this fee; however, the Goods and Services Tax (GST), drugs, and postoperative care are not.

No. of Grafts FUE DHT           QHT
800-1400 21,000 to 33,000

($275 to $431)

24,000 to 42,000

($313 to $548)

28,000 to 49,000

($365 to $640)

1400-1800 30,000 to 45,000

($392 to $588)

42,000 to 54,000

($548 to $705)

49,000 to 63,000

($640 to $823)

1800-2400 36,000 to 54,000

($470 to $705)

54,000 to 72,000

($705 to $940)

63,000 to 84,000

($823 to $1097)

2400-3000 45,000 to 69,000

($588 to $901)

72,000 to 90,000

($940 to $1176)

84,000 to1,05,000

($1097 to $1373)

Please be aware that taxes will be added to the total amount due at the clinic. In addition to that, the cost that was mentioned earlier is merely an estimate, and it may shift in any direction at any time without prior notice.

Visit the Regrow clinic, which is one of the best hair transplant clinics in India and which offers the most effective hair transplant therapy at a price that is reasonable if you are interested in having your transplanted, says Dr. G.K Sharma, a premium transplant specialist.

The price of a transplant represents an investment that will last a person’s lifetime, allowing them to regain their hair and their confidence. This is the cost associated with obtaining an appearance of natural hair through the use of the most recent procedure, which is performed by our highly skilled surgeons.

At the Regrow Clinic, we provide the most cutting-edge methods of transplantation, including the following:

  • FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)
  • Dense Hair Implantation
  • QHT (Quick Hair Transplant)

 People who are experiencing initial hair loss can also receive treatment, such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP), for their condition. First, let’s get a general understanding of how one calculates the cost of a transplant, and then we’ll break down the specific costs associated with each type of hair transplant.

In India, the price of a hair transplant is determined by the total number of grafts that are necessary for the procedure. Every Graft consists of three individual hair follicles. The amount of grafts that are necessary is determined by the degree of baldness present in the patient. Because there are so many different considerations, the cost of a hair transplant per graft in India will be different in each of the country’s major cities, such as Mumbai, Delhi, and Hyderabad. Now, Let’s have a look at the cost of an FUE hair transplant notes Dr. G.K Sharma a top transplant specialist.

FUE Hair Transplant Cost In India

IIa 800-1400 21,000 to 33,000 ($274 to $431)
III 1000-1600 24,000 to 36,000 ($313 to $470)
III 1200-1600 27,000 to 39,000 ($352 to $509)
IIIa 1400-1800 30,000 to 45,000 ($392 to $588)
IV 1600-2200 33,000 to 51,000 ($431 to $666)
IVa 1800-2400 36,000 to 54,000 ($470 to $705)
V 2000-2500 39,000 to 57,000 ($509 to $744)
Va 2200-2800 42,000 to 63,000 ($549 to $824)
VI 2400-3000 45,000 to 69,000 ($588 to $902)
VII 2500-3200 48,000 to 75,000 ($628 to $981)

Please be aware that taxes will be added to the total amount due at the clinic. In addition to that, the cost that was mentioned earlier is merely an estimate, and it may shift in any direction at any time without prior notice.

  • At the Regrow clinic in India, the FUE transplant technique is most often recommended to patients.
  • Because of its high quality, quick recuperation time, and natural appearance, it has gained a lot of appeal. This provides both men and women the freedom to style their hair in whatever way they see fit.
  • In contrast to the conventional procedure of FUT, this one does not leave a significant scar. Because they are so little and dispersed across the scalp, their scars heal quite quickly. So that males can keep their hair short.
  • The results are not artificial and they are long-lasting.
  • The cost of FUE ranges from around Rs. 20 plus tax per graft.
  • A minimum package price of $40,000 is required for a hair transplant involving 1200–1800 grafts opines G.K Sharma one of the best hair transplant doctors.

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