Feskov Human Reproduction Group: A Place Where Your Dream of Motherhood Comes True

Feskov Human Reproduction Group: A Place Where Your Dream of Motherhood Comes True

The Feskov Human Reproduction Group is, first and foremost, a contemporary and high-quality approach to surrogate motherhood problems, as well as a seasoned team of experts.

Everyone now has the opportunity to become joyful parents, to hear their children giggle, and to take their first steps together with their child, thanks to improved reproductive technology. The Agentur der prof Feskov will assist each family in realizing their goals. They offer each client personalized care and attention throughout their path to motherhood: reliability, assurance, comfort, and competitive pricing.

What are the advantages of selecting them?

You will get multiple benefits from this group


They have their database of mothers and egg donors of European, Asian, and African phenotypes, enabling you to choose your perfect donor.


The service system is designed on the premise of total secrecy. They have designed and implemented a secure system for the security of each patient’s personal information.


They are experts in human genomes and PGD diagnostics, which enables them to choose a healthy embryo, avoid the transfer of hereditary illnesses, and select the sex of the future newborn kid at your request.


We have been practicing reproductive medicine since 1995. We have successfully performed hundreds of IVF cycles throughout that time, allowing us to legally guarantee the delivery of a healthy child 100 percent of the time.

Egg donation Cyprus

Egg and sperm donors in Cyprus are required by law to be screened for infectious illnesses. Hepatitis B and C, HIV, syphilis, CMV, and Rubella are among them. Their compensation varies considerably depending on the location of your egg donation.

I will get an egg donor with Feskov’s eizellspende zypern service. It will do as a search the donor database for donors of all races and nationalities. Examination of the embryo for any abnormalities (only healthy embryos are transferred) Creating an ideal generation of healthy descendants. With highly trained medical personnel, you’ll be able to choose an egg donor through picture or video, as well as via an intelligent software search of a donor database.

They want their customers’ variety to inspire a world of diverse children who are beautiful in their differences. To do this, we actively seek out and recruit the finest contributors from across the globe. They have one primary objective, which we are very successful in achieving: the birth of a healthy child in each family that comes to us.

Agency of prof Feskov

Alexander Feskov, M.D., a member of the European Society of Human Reproduction and the American Society of Reproductive Medicine ASRM, established the Agency of prof Feskov. He has been working in Ukraine since 1995.

Their technologies are cutting-edge, enabling us to address male and female reproductive issues of any complexity. In this instance, the primary prerequisite for their use is dependability and safety. They utilize surrogacy, oocyte donation, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, cellular therapy, mitochondrial transfer. Other contemporary reproductive procedures enable the birth of a child regardless of the cause of infertility and ensure the health of the kid.

We offer comfort and dependability to our clients. They are surrounded by care and understanding throughout our collaboration. We deal with each person on an individual basis and take each person’s concerns seriously. We have many accomplishments, but we do not rest on our laurels; rather, we seek to improve our performance.


Feskov is the finest reproductive health care provider, with expert interpreters and translators, a pleasant atmosphere. And the ability to become parents without facing legal complications. Thus, you may take advantage of all of this at Feskov Human Reproduction Group using their services such as egg donation cyprus.

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