Students who wish to appear in the IMO exam must be familiar with the eligibility criteria for the same. The International Mathematics Olympiad is a Mathematics competition conducted yearly by the Science Olympiad Foundation for school students. For the benefit of students, the comprehensive IMO Olympiad eligibility conditions are given here. It’s worth noting that the IMO exam qualifying class 10 is rather lenient and hasn’t changed in several years. Before beginning their IMO test preparation, students should familiarise themselves with the whole IMO exam eligibility criteria to ensure that they are eligible.
Participants can evaluate themselves academically on four separate levels after passing the exam: school, city, state, and worldwide. Each student receives a Student Performance Report (SPR), which analyses the student’s weak and strong areas and allows him to compare himself to other students in his school, city, state, and internationally. Students aspiring to appear in the International Math Olympiad must familiarize themselves with the IMO eligibility criteria and other important details.
The International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO), which is conducted by the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF), is a yearly school-level math competition. This test is divided into two levels: Level 1 and Level 2. The first level of the IMO test is open to all students in grades 1 through 12. Students must pass the first level of the IMO test in order to advance to the second level. Students will be able to better organize their preparation if they have a thorough grasp of the IMO eligibility and marks standards. Some of the most critical features of the IMO qualifying standards are as follows:
Level-1 IMO Eligibility Criteria
The first level of the SOF Math Olympiad is open to all students in grades 1 through 12. There are no precise eligibility requirements, such as a minimum grade point average or academic %. The first level of the IMO test is held on three separate days between December and January. The findings are made public on the SOF website. IMO Sample Paper 2 for Class 10
Students enrolled at SOF schools can apply for the math Olympiad directly via their schools. The viewpoint, as well as registration forms, are distributed to all schools’ months before the test date. Schools can pick a convenient day for the IMO test and must submit the application forms 30 days before the exam date. Students who enroll via their schools will get exam-related information from their schools.
Students may enroll independently if their schools are unable to participate in the IMO exam. Individual registration forms for students participating individually can be accessed and submitted online. All required information, such as roll number and exam details, is delivered to students via their registered cell phone number and email address.
The Level 1 IMO exam is divided into four sections: logical reasoning, mathematical reasoning, daily mathematics, and the achiever’s portion. There are 35 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) totaling 40 marks for grades 1-4. There are 50 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) worth 60 points for grades 5-12. The cut-off marks determine the admissible score for the level 1 IMO test. The cut-off marks are determined by a variety of criteria such as exam complexity, number of participants, grades, scholarships, or section weightage, among others.
Students are awarded medals, scholarships, trophies, and recognition based on their test results at the school, zonal, national, and worldwide levels. Students who finish in the top 25 in the level 1 test of the SOF IMO Olympiad receive a certificate of excellence. All participants in the level 1 IMO Olympiad get a participation certificate.
Level-2 IMO Eligibility Criteria
The IMO level-2 exam is held two months after the level-1 test. Students in grades 1 and 2 do not need to take the level 2 IMO test, and their grades at level 1 are deemed final. Students in grades 3–12 who have passed the level-1 IMO test are eligible to take the level-2 IMO exam. • Class topper with at least fifty percent qualifying marks is necessary to qualify for the level 2 IMO test.
- Only the top 5% of applicants were invited to compete on a global scale.
- The top 25 ranked individuals in each zone or state.
When there is a tie and more than one applicant achieves the same marks, SOF evaluates each candidate’s section-wise marks to determine level-2 IMO eligibility. The IMO level-2 test is divided into two portions. The first segment is for math, while the second is for achievers. For grades 3 and 4, there are 35 objective-type questions, and for grades 5 through 12, there are 50 objective-type questions.
The following are the rewards for the level 2 IMO exam:
Students who earn international rank one are granted Rs. 50,000, as well as an international gold medal and a certificate of extraordinary accomplishment. Students who attain rank 2 get Rs. 25,000, an international silver medal, and a certificate of excellence. Students who achieve rank 3 receive Rs. 10,000 prize, a certificate of exemplary performance, and an international bronze medal.
IMO is a respected forum that honors and encourages international talent. Students will gain academically by participating in this event. Students may learn more about the registration, curriculum, dates, and schedule of the IMO test by visiting the SOF’s official website.