9 Ways to Boost Your Computer Security

9 Ways to Boost Your Computer Security

People working from home must know the basic tips to troubleshoot their computers as they are the first line of contact for themselves in need of IT support. This article explains some useful tech-savvy tips that will help you to use your device efficiently and prevent technical problems from happening in the first place. Before we start, those who are not aware of cybersecurity must go for cyber security training today.

1. Ensure Security Rich Ecosystem

Security-mindedness is something that you should practice to keep your digital devices up and running. Some of the top tips to utilize multi-factor authentication on applications that support it includes logging in only from the sites that have addresses or URLs prefixed with ‘HTTPS’ and avoiding opening links included in emails from unknown IDs. 

2. Use a VPN and Endpoint Safety

Sometimes, professionals working remotely have to deal with sensitive data; however, they are not well-acquainted with technical knowledge. This sometimes makes data and systems vulnerable to security threats. Think like a human firewall and use virtual private networks and endpoint protection against cybercriminals. Become cyber-aware and protect your digital devices from external threats, malicious files, and phishing attempts.

3. Invest in Technology Bells & Whistles

Have you ever thought of investing in tech bells and whistles? If not, search the web to find out the necessary information to set up a peaceful and efficient work-from-home workspace. Start by testing the speed of your WiFi or the model of your modem. Upgrade your network devices or internet package and equip your computer with a high-grade audio system for maximum output and increased efficiency. 

4. Don’t Let Kids & Family Use Your Work Computer

computer security

Avoiding something that can demand fixing the device is the best troubleshooting tip for your computer. So, don’t let your family members or kids use your work computer as they can delete an important file or remove an app that can affect your work. Improper usage can lead to sluggish performance and slowdowns, which can sometimes be troubling, particularly when you are preparing a business presentation.

5. Optimize Your Storage, Network & Battery

For better productivity, you should optimize your computer regularly by deleting files and applications that you do not require. As discussed earlier, upgrade network connection and devices for efficiency. In addition, always keep a close check on your system’s battery to ensure that it’s not draining faster. Click here to learn more about fixing the battery problems efficiently to optimize it and prolong its lifespan.

6. Search About Phishing Attacks & Prevention

Since businesses and employees are moving to a work-from-home ecosystem, phishing attacks are on a high rise. These attacks can appear simple and easy to resolve, but they are considered the entry point. Your system might be susceptible to major security damage beyond repair. Open and read your emails carefully and avoid clicking suspected links or attachments from unknown senders. 

7. Invest in a Good Audio Equipment

If you are in a role that demands interacting with an in-house team or management regularly via video meetings, make sure you have a high-end speakerphone. Having a conferencing output quality is something that makes you look professional. The internal audio speakers in your laptop do not have background noise cancellation features. The advanced speakerphones cancel noise and the echo coming from surroundings such as air conditioner, keyboard keys, etc. 

8. Restart Your Computer Before Video Meet

Restart computer

Before every business meeting or video conference, make sure to restart your computer. This is important, particularly if you are using multiple virtual conferencing platforms such as Zoom, Webex, Google Meet, GoToMeeting, etc. Some solutions keep running in the background, consuming system resources, which prevent other apps from functioning properly. 

9. Back Up Your Files Regularly

Every user must backup their files periodically to prevent data loss in the event of system breakdown. Cloud computing makes it easier to manage data efficiently for better storage and access. Moreover, in the digitally connected era, when security risks are on the rise, you need to protect your data in every possible manner. A reliable fail-safe plan will allow you to restore your data in its original format if lost. 

To back up data, you can use an external hard drive. You can also combine it with backup software. As an alternative, there is the option of cloud storage. Though you will likely need to pay a monthly fee to get enough space. As free plans for cloud services come with only a few gigabytes of total available storage.


To sum it all up, there are quite a few things to consider. For example when you have concerns about your computer’s safety and even efficiency. Take the tips in this article seriously and try to adapt them to your routine. So you have fewer potential troubles while using your computer.

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