6 Common Warnings Signs Your Parent Needs To Attend A Drug And Alcohol Rehab Center

6 Common Warnings Signs Your Parent Needs To Attend A Drug And Alcohol Rehab Center

As a child, you are typically the person who is being looked after by your responsible and hard-working parent. Sometimes, this parent can be a little stressed out with their daily life – especially if they are a single mom or a single dad. In some instances you may find that your parents are taking on these daily stressors and they are acting irrationally, they are forgetting when to bring you to school, and they are acting differently than they normally do. If you notice signs and changes in their personality that are very odd for their usual responsible behavior, this can be a red flag and a warning sign to you.

Even as a child, you know when something is wrong – in this case it can be in your best interest to tell your parent’s behavior to a trusted adult, such as a teacher, uncle, aunt, or coach. Visit site and see a few warning signs that you should tell another adult about – this may indicate that your parents should attend a drug and alcohol rehab center so they can get healthy and be the perfect parent once more!

6 warning signs your parent needs to attend a drug and alcohol rehab center

Forgetting your schedule

Since a parent is usually in charge of dropping you off at school, picking you up, bringing you to sports practices, and bringing you to friends’ houses, if they suddenly forget the times of your schedule, this can be a warning sign. Parents are typically on top of the ball – they know that you have to be at school at 8:30 am sharp or you get a “late” on your record. To avoid this from happening, they are usually getting you out the door early and on the bus, driving you to school, or making sure you are on your bike 5 minutes early! If this is no longer the case, it can be a warning sign that you may have to look into checking your parents into a drug and alcohol rehab center in Massachusetts.

Emotional outbursts

Another sign that your parents may need to feed a drug and alcohol rehab center is that they have emotional outbursts. If your parents are usually even-keeled and pretty easygoing and emotionally stable, this can be a strong warning sign that something is messing with their emotions and their personality.

Personality mood swings

Similar to emotional outbursts, you may find that strong changes in your parent’s personality is a warning sign that they may need to attend a drug and alcohol rehab center. Personality changes can be anything from suddenly turning angry, irrational, irresponsible, sad, depressed, or manic – look out for strong personality changes in your parents.

Avoiding work

The next warning sign that our parents may need to go to a drug and alcohol rehab center is that they are skipping or missing work. If you find your parents are not bringing you to school, they are not getting up at eight o’clock, and they are not going to work, this is a dangerous warning sign that something is wrong.

Avoiding social outings

The next warning sign that you should look into a drug and alcohol rehab center for your parents is that they are missing their usual social outings. If your parents previously enjoyed going to bingo Thursday nights at the local bar, but you find that they sit inside all day of the week, this is a sign they are being reclusive and there is another problem going on.

Apathy towards everything

The last warning sign that you may be indicative of your parent’s need to go to a drug and alcohol rehab center is that they are apathetic towards everything in their life. If you find that your parents are not enjoying things in life, they don’t care about how you did in school and they don’t care about keeping their job at work, this is a warning sign that they are using drugs or using substances.


If you notice these warning signs in your parents, it can be a scary and daunting time. Since you are a child, you may not know what to do. However, tell another adult about these warning signs so they can help your parents get the help they need and deserve at a drug and alcohol rehab center!

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