What is Hip Replacement?
Dr Dilip Mehta, one of the best Orthopedists in Jaipur mentioned in the article “What is Hip Replacement and how do you prepare for it?”
Dr Dilip Mehta is an orthopedic surgeon in Jaipur who specialized in Hip surgery and is regarded as the Top Orthopedic surgeon Jaipur has close to 20 years of experience and devoted his life to the advancement of techniques for hip joint surgery.
Hip replacement is a surgical technique in which the doctor eliminates the defective components of the hip joint. It is replaced with new pieces. These pieces are typically composed of metallic, ceramics, or very strong plastic.
During this surgery, the hip joint is stabilized and restored to its normal function. Patients who have this prosthetic joint, which is also known as a prosthesis, report feeling reduced discomfort while simultaneously experiencing an increase in their capacity to function.
Hip replacement surgery, also known as total hip arthroplasty, can also be done if hip discomfort is interfering with routine actions and treatments that do not involve surgery have failed to relieve the pain or have become ineffective over time. The most prevalent reason for a hip replacement is deterioration caused by osteoarthritis, says Dr Dilip Mehta, one of the best orthopedic surgeons in Jaipur.
Why is it required?
It can help with conditions like deterioration of the hip joint and, in certain cases, necessitate the need for the surgery including:
Rheumatoid arthritis:
It is a form of arthritis that manifests itself in joint pain and stiffness. Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of inflammation that is resulting from overly active immune cells and can destroy cartilage and sometimes the bone underneath it, resulting in damaged cartilage and misshapen joints. A hyperactive immune system is the root cause of this condition.
Once there is inadequate blood flow to the component of the joint, fracture can occur and the bone may collapse and distort, notes Dr Dilip Mehta, a premium orthopedic surgeon from Jaipur.
Hip replacement may be a possibility if you are experiencing hip discomfort for any of the following reasons:
- Despite pain medicine, the condition persists.
- It has a negative impact on sleep.
- It has an impact on your capacity to walk up and downstairs.
How do you prepare?
You’ll get an examination with the orthopedic surgeon before the operation itself. The surgeon follows the below procedures:
- Medical history inquiry as well as any drugs you might be currently taking at this time.
- Pay close attention to the range of motion in your hip joint and the strength of the muscles around it when you examine your hip.
- Make an appointment for blood testing and X-ray.
- Please feel free to ask any questions you have concerning the treatment during this visit. Because tobacco usage has been shown to interfere with recovery, it is recommended that you refrain from tobacco products. Consult your doctor if you require assistance in quitting.
What to Expect?
Jaipur-based Dr Dilip Mehta, a leading orthopedic surgeon opines that In order to be admitted to the operating room for the surgery, you will be expected to remove the clothes and wear a hospital dress.
During the course of the operation
The surgical operation can be finished in two hours or less if necessary. In order to execute the hip replacement, the surgeon must do the following:
- The doctor makes an incision across the hip, cutting through tissues.
- Bone and cartilage that are healthy are not removed during this procedure; only sick and damaged bone and cartilage are taken out.
- The new socket is implanted into the pelvic bone during this procedure.
- Inserts a metal stem into the top of the thigh bone. It was subsequently topped with a new ball to complete the repair of the injury.
Following the procedure
As soon as the anesthetic wears off, the patient is transferred to an area. This area is for resting. Your BP, pulse, awareness, comfort level, as well as your need for medicine, will be monitored by medical personnel.
You’ll be urged to take deep breaths or blow onto an instrument. In order to assist keep fluid from building up in your lungs. The length of time you spend in the hospital following surgery is determined by your specific requirements. Many people are able to return home that day itself, says Dr Dilip Mehta, a top orthopedist in Jaipur.