Independence Day Celebrations

Independence Day Celebrations


By the 18th century, the British East India Company completely established its footprint across the Indian subcontinent, so much so that the country’s administration was completely under the control of the European Traders. Following this, a lot of protests and battles were fought by the Indian Freedom fighters along with the common citizens to get back the dignity of the nation. In 1885, the Indian National Congress was formed in order to establish a civic society in India. After which World War 1 came into the picture. This was the period that led to disagreement and revolt towards the reign of the Britishers resulting in non – cooperation and civil disobedience movement.

Thereafter, the 1930s became an era of complete political reform which eventually contributed to the independence of the country. Hereafter 200 years of continuous struggle, India became a completely independent nation on 15th August 1947. Today, even after 63 years of independence, the day holds a lot of significance in the lives of all citizens of India. Since then, every year this day is celebrated with a lot of compassion and enthusiasm amongst the country. Also, the Independence day celebration is a token of love, appreciation, and gratitude towards the freedom fighters of that time who made this possible.

How To Celebrate

On the day of Independence, i.e. 15th August 2020, the first Prime Minister of free India, hoisted Indian National Flag above the Lahori gate at Red Fort, Delhi. Ever since then, flag hoisting became an important tradition of the part of the celebration. The festivities start one day prior to the main event where the Prime Minister of India delivers independence day speech from his/her residence, which is broadcasted throughout the country.

The D Day commences with the arrival of the Prime Minister at Red Fort where he is welcomed by a general salute from the representatives of the Indian Armed Forces (Army, Navy, and Air Force) and the Delhi Police. This is followed by the conventional flag hoisting, PM’s address to the citizens where he talks about the future of the nation. You can visit if you want to get your own flag to support this event.  The event is made even more special with cultural programs, parades, and march-past. The armed-formed officers present Independence Day special stunts to illustrate their love for their country. Many school students come up with beautifully written patriotic plays, stage shows to depict the history of freedom. To conclude the celebrations, the National Anthem is sung together by everyone in full spirits. This symbolizes the love, harmony, and unity in the public which spreads a message of togetherness.

Where is it Celebrated in India?

Similar kinds of functions is held across India where Chief Ministers of that particular state reach to unfurl the National Flag. Apart from that, almost every school, college, housing society, Non Governmental organization and private institute hold private ceremonies followed by cultural programmes to relive the diversity of the civilization.

Also, to educate the schoolchildren about history, schools conduct an independence day 2020 special event which includes patriotic songs, folk dance performances, skits and a lot more. Moreover, the various states in India have a different way of celebrating this day. For example, kite flying is very popular in Northern and Central India. On this day, Wagah Border also undergoes a series of ceremonies like sword fighting, parade, march-past, the closing of gates.


Independence Day is a commemoration of the rich culture, history, and unforgettable fight for the liberty of the country. For years, it has and continues to preach the teachings of devotion towards the nation. It is celebrated like any other religious functions in India. 15th August is a gazetted holiday throughout the country which everyone spends with their family and community. Celebrations are held at every level where people get to learn a lot about their ancestral history and beauty of the country.

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